TOP 5 TUESDAY: Halloween-themed snacks

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I love Halloween.

Granted, it’s not a big thing here in South Africa.  But I love any excuse for a theme, and any excuse to dress up!

The past few years I’ve gone to numerous Halloween parties, but this year I’ve decided to take it easy and just stay in and watch scary movies.  And what would a movie night or two be, without some snacks?!

I’ve been spending some time browsing Pinterest the last few weeks, and so far, these are the top 5 snack ideas on my list: –

I love pizza! And I know that not everyone else likes olives, but you could totally get this same effect with cherry tomatoes and red pepper? Either way, these are SUPER cute and probably just as delicious.


White chocolate dipped strawberries are so delicious, and these little chaps have some choc chips added to create faces – they look super spooky!


If you’re bored with the idea of regular cupcakes, these would be awesome to make (and eat)!  Great for you and the gal’s to make, or even to get your little ones involved in decorating.


I love chocolate dipped marshmallows, and they’re actually super easy to make and display.  These would be so effective, and so pretty.

These might be a tad more challenging, as you have to get the cream in the middle of the Oreo off entirely on one side of the cookie, but once that’s done you can get decorating.  And who doesn’t love Oreos?!


Disclaimer: All of the images I took from my Pinterest board.  They are not my own.  For any other Halloween-themed ideas (costumes, eats, movies etc), just go and take a peek at my Halloween 2016 Pinterest board – there are tons of ideas and even makeup tutorials!


Do you have any big plans for Halloween?  Going out or staying in?


Beauty and Lifestyle blogger, wine addict and all-round lover of all things beautiful and sparkly!

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